


The production of cabbage and other types of vegetables from the family of cabbage in Serbia has a long tradition. Unfortunately, with the transition of agriculture, there was no complete professionalization of cabbage production and processing, in order to become a big exporter to the region’s market, on the European and Russian market. Zeleni Hit saves you a whole range of products in order to achieve high-profit, stable and regular production of fresh cabbage for large retail chains and green markets, for industrial processing (souring), as well as for stock or for sale from the warehouse over winter.

In the cultivation technology that we highly recommend, maintaining soil fertility using composted livestock and inoculating the plant root through useful microorganisms are important elements of success, which with the regular foil application Tecnokel amino Ca guarantees very fast growth and resistance. Advanced genetics is nevertheless crucial, so we offer the best cabbage hybrids in all production segments. Pay special attention to the new Radan hybrid for the earliest greenhouse production, which, along with already proven hybrids Ortus and Sunt, provides at least 2 months of continuity in the delivery of early premium quality premium to the market. Cheers is a famous hybrid, unrivaled in summer production, while Compass at this moment is the best-selling and most stable hybrid for autumn growing, primarily for household domestic purposes, while Autumn Queen is the standard for high quality cabbage cabbage intended for vacuum and export to the flammable markets . The structure is the latest, very professional hybrid that can be successfully acidified in autumn, or kept in winter, without changing color until spring.


The latest Enzin hybrid of very early cabbage, vegetation 48 to 50 days, average head weight 1,0 to 1,5 kg. It is grown in a density of 5-8 plants / m2. Excellent resistance to disease and cracking. Compared to similar hybrids, it is characterized by high flexibility, wide adaptability and stability in yield, quality, taste and transportability. It is recommended for cultivation in low tunnels. Heads are round and firm and are not prone to cracking. It has a short bevel, the wrapping leaves are upright, and the bottom is 5 to 7 cm from the surface of the soil, and there is no rot. Resistant to bleeding and drainage of the head. It has a strong root system and can be successfully cultivated even on harder soil types. Suitable for cutting in the period of 10 to 15 days.


New hybrid of early cabbage, vegetation 55-57 days, average weight of the head in the rank of Sunte. It is grown in a density of 5-6 plants / m2. Excellent resistance to disease and cracking. Heads have fresh light green color, very heavy and good transportability. It is recommended for spring cultivation both in low tunnels and under lutrasil. In time, open a bottle for all heads to be round and uniform, as it requires a lot of light to achieve uniformity of the shape.


Sunta is a splendid vegetation hybrid of 60-62 days, with an average head size of about 1.5 kg, while in conditions of abundant fertilization it can reach 2 kg. Faults in cultivation technology do not lead to the occurrence of spiked heads, nor will there be any cracking. The uniformity of the shape and size of the head, the dark green color of the sheets, the adaptability, the strength of growth and reliability in various agroecological conditions, Sunta deserves the best recommendations, both for cultivation in tunnels and for early cultivation under the lutrasil in the open field in the density of 5-6 plants / m2. It is exceptionally stable in annual production. Due to its quality and sweet taste, it is well sold until autumn.

TCA-520 F1

New hybrid of early cabbage, round, very uniform head, average weight 2-2.5 kg. It is distinguished by its good cover and overlapped leaves with an upright position. Fine leaf nerves, with a blondish greenish shade. Vegetation length 65-70 days. The recommended planting density for this hybrid is 50,000 to 55,000 plants per hectare. It is characterized by good adaptability to various cultivation conditions and resistance to Fusarium. Heads are hard and heavy, very resistant to shooting.


It belongs to hybrids that are without major difficulties during the whole vegetation season. In the summer and autumn production, the average weight of the head is 3-4 kg, and the vegetation length is 75-80 days. A very important feature of this hybrid is the uniformity of the size, the round shape, the solid head and the resistance to cracking. Strong and spacious growth, upright sheets and good resistance guarantee high adaptability. Planting density ranges from 4.5 to 5.5 plants / m2. A short brass and exceptional consistency of the head, and excellent taste and resistance to most diseases recommend Cheers as a universal hybrid for all purposes and sites of cultivation. Resistant to Fusarium and Xanthomonas, and suffers and very small damage from the attack of the trips. It can survive for a long time in the open field, but it is rarely watered with larger inert norms.


High quality and affordable Taki hybrid for fresh consumption and souring. The length of the vegetation period is 80 days after transplantation. Heads are round, slightly flat and very firm inside structure. The average weight of the head is 3-4 kg, and the recommended density is 50,000 plants per hectare. This hybrid is characterized by good conservation ability in the field as well as very pronounced tolerance on most causative agents of the disease. The CMS version features exceptional uniformity of shape and size. Very resistant to high temperatures, as well as the appearance of Fusarium and Xanthomonas. It gives very good quality of chewing.


Exceptional hybrid of the new generation in the Koronet class, resistant to fusion strain and very tolerant to Xanthomonas. The length of the vegetation period after sowing is 85 days (for flowering and fresh consumption) and for a lager for 100 days. The average weight of the head is about 4 kg which can be used for fresh consumption, industry and short-term storage. The headpieces are round in the shape of an attractive dark green color. The structure of the inside of the head is rather compact and white is the color. The recommended planting density is about 30,000 plants per hectare. If a head of mass of 2.5 to 3 kg is required, the density should be from 40,000 to 45,000 plants / ha. The structure is a hybrid tolerant to high temperatures and dry air, it is suitable for production in various climates.

Autumn Queen

The flatbed hybrid of the length of the vegetation period is 65 to 80 days after planting, which is grown in the recommended density of 50,000 plants per hectare. Heads are very uniform, well-filled and solid, round and can be stored for a short period of time. Weight ranges from 1.5 kg to 2.5 kg as early crops and 3.5-4 kg as medium-late crops. Good standing in the field. It is recommended for souring due to extremely thin, fine leaves, but also for the best taste among all cabbages. Due to high randman, this cabbage can rightly be recommended to industrial plants for souring and vacuuming.