Stabbing drops

Stabbing drops


More recently, in the field of micronutrients, the so-called capillary irrigation system is increasingly used, which allows a very precise application of the fertilizer solution in the cultivation of vegetables, fruits and flowers on substrates into blocks, pots or sackcloths, coconut, or some other substrate. The driers we have can be without, or with pressure compensation (flow control), and when the system is attached to the mixer machine, then we strongly recommend a CNL drier, which, after the end of the irrigation interval, no longer emits a solution, allowing maintenance of constant parameters in the system. We also offer jigsaw pins (easy rinsing) and compensated spinners.



is a stabbing droplet without flow control with several key features that this droplet separates from others from its class. One of the main features is a two-piece body that can easily be disassembled for cleaning purposes. The E1000 has a multifunction output that provides the possibility of connecting a split rosette (manifold), or a direct connection of a PVC micro hose 3 × 5 mm to the same dripper. Its low profile reduces the possibility of damage in everyday work and manipulation, and with different colors in which it is standard, it is easily classified according to the amount of emitted water (brown 2 l / h, black 4 l / h, green 8 l / h). The working pressure of the droplet is from 0.8 to 2 bar.


Supertif Drippers for extraordinary regulation and continuous flow of water in a wide range of pressures are the ideal choice for you. They represent a good solution for application on sloping terrain, or long rows. All Supertif drippers have a self-activating flushing mechanism that prevents clogging and are manufactured from top-quality materials that ensure long lasting and precise work.


Supertif ND

Supertif ND has an additional non-drain mechanism that prevents leaks after the system is shut down. Working pressure is 0.6 to 3.5 bar. These droplets are available with a emissions of 2.2 l / h, 3.85 l / h and 7.8 l / h





is a stabbing “button” with pressure compensation (flow control), which features several features such as: self-cleaning mechanism, low profile and high-precision flow control diaphragm. It is made of top-quality permanent materials, protected from UV degradation and resistant to chemicals and fertilizers most commonly used in agriculture, which together ensures the longevity of Katif. The Katif is punctured with two exit options, at the top of the drops, or laterally and with a flow rate of 2.3 l / h, 3.75 l / h and 8.4 l / h. The working pressure of the drip is from 0.8 to 3 bar. This dripper is an excellent choice for irrigation on steep terrain or in long rows.